Case of a standard five pupil
This is a case of a standard five pupil in one of the Schools in the intervention areas who was being subjected to physical and psychological violence by his parents.

case of a standard five pupil

This is a Jamii Tahbiti Program implemented by Midrift Hurinet through the support of UK Aid

Nginyang’ Police Station in East Pokot Sub County, Baringo County, serve a large area. Officer Commanding Nginyang’ Police Station Ibrahim Mushima says the station receives only 400 litres of fuel for police vehicle per month to cover a vast area.

National Police Reservists(NPR)

Facilitating construction of a New Police Station

The adoption of the new constitution and the alignment of the National Police Service Act to the new dispensation warranted a shift in policing from a ‘police force’ to a ‘police service’ seeking to minimise issues of corruption, poor professionalism, poor police-community relationships, public mistrust of policing and low levels of reporting of crime by establishment of Community Policing.
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