MIDRIFT HURINET in partnership with Danish Institute Against Torture(DIGNITY) has been working within the municipalities of Nakuru and Naivasha implementing an IUVP programme. The project uses an evidence-based approach to crime and violence prevention. The three-year IUVP Programme(2017-2019) in these two places, followed a successful 18-month pilot IUVP programme which took place in 2015-2016. The focus of the programme has been to create coalitions of intersectoral leaders as agents of change, while also working on creating citizen agency for change
IUVP’s interest is centered on reducing ‘risk of violence’, reducing‘at risk groups’ vulnerability by strengthening their agency for resilience and agency to fight violence before it occurs. Nakuru and Naivasha municipalities were selected as the two areas for a pilot IUVP programme in June 2015 (Nakuru municipality) and in October 2016 (Naivasha) following an in-depth scoping process. The scoping included knowledge generation (research)and intervention (development activities) and meetings with potential partners.There was also a comprehensive contextual study on violence dynamics which was carried out in 2018 [read the research here], and which included a number of findings and recommendations. The sectors and agencies mobilized for and involved in IUVP are Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including Faith Based Organizations (FBOs); the Criminal Justice Sector(including law enforcement:the police, correction: the prison service and rehabilitation: probation service); Community Policing Committees; the County Government (Executive and Legislative), Ministry of Education,Ministry of Health,the Private Sector and the Media.In 2020-2023,Midrift Hurinet Intends to deepen these interventions while scaling up in Kisumu and Baringo.
Place based leadership development (PBLD) is the overall term for activities that aim to support the development of collective leadership capabilities within a given locality. The implementation of a three-year PBLD pilot programme has been one of the main support mechanisms to enable leaders to work more effectively together on preventing urban violence. The evidence based PBLD Framework helps local leaders to build their individual leader and collective leadership capability to work more effectively together at the sectoral, intersectoral and wider territorial levels
As PBLD shares a number of commonalities with IUVP, it was considered that developing a PBLD programme to support intersectoral leaders working together to reduce urban violence could lead to more effective collaboration and lay the foundations for achieving collective impact. The PBLD programme consists of a series of interlinked, interactive modules, where leader and leadership capabilities are developed through a personal and joint inter-relational journey of lived experience. The PBLD for IUVP programme is designed to enable leaders to grapple with real world issues,whilst developing themselves as individuals at an intrapersonal level, and also improve the way they work with others at an interpersonal level. P-BLD acknowledges that an individual is shaped by personal experiences, and this determines how one sees the world. It offers leaders an opportunity to undertake leader development and critical reflection.In Febrauray 2020,MIDRIFT HURINET in Partnership with Dignity launched the PBLD Impact Study Report in Nairobi.
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