MIDRIFT HURINET in partnership with Act Change & Transform (ACT!) is implementing the Resilience Peace and Stability program in Nakuru and Baringo counties in Kenya. With support from Royal Danish Embassy, the program aims to address conflict in the implementation areas: Political conflict, Natural Resource Conflict, and countering violent extremism (CVE) through supporting the implementation of the  County Action Plan (CAP’s) in Nakuru and Baringo counties.

The 5-year program is set to promote trust and collaboration between communities and government in violence prevention through enhancing multi-stakeholder coordination to promote collective action for collective impact. Working at the grass-root levels, the program will merge with the community through local leadership structures to ensure that women, youth, marginalized, and minority groups are actively engaged in activities.

RPS focuses on Human Rights, Gender Equality, and women’s and girls’ rights and youth prospects to achieve an end-goal of increasing the anchoring of at-risk individuals in the communities through improved messaging, economic opportunities, social linkages, and a sense of belonging especially for women, youth and vulnerable communities to reduce pull and push factors towards violence.

Activity Photos
