Engagement with the Women, Youth, and PWD candidates

Enhancing the Participation of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in electoral and governance processes


  • Top 3 seats in Nakuru County (Governor, Senator and Women Rep) are occupied by women
  • Out of 11 Constituencies, 4 Constituencies elected women MPs
  • In 55 Wards in Nakuru County, 8 women elected MCAs
  • A total of 15 women elected into political seats in Nakuru County
  • At least 14 MCAs are youths
  • Attribution to the great win by women:
    • Paradigm shift towards women’s political leadership
    • Demonstrated success and development in women-led constituencies
    • Media amplification with the women, youth and PWD candidates during ECCES activities
  • The County Assembly numbers: UDA- 39, JUBILEE-6, INDEPENDENTS – 7, SAFINA-1, ODM-2


Kenya held General elections on 9th August 2022. As compared to previous General elections, the 2022 August General Elections registered a great number of women, youth, and Persons living with disabilities (PWDs) offering themselves for elective positions from Member of National Assembly (MCA), Member of the National Assembly (MNA), Senator, Woman Representative and Governor in the County of Nakuru; right from the Party Primaries.

Some aspirants who did not bag the Party certificate after the Primaries opted to vie as independent candidates.

MIDRIFT HURINET’s engagement with the Women, Youth, and PWD candidates

Since April 2022, MIDRIFT HURINET[1] with support from ACT! has been engaging with human rights defenders, peace monitors, women, youth and PWD candidates, opinion leaders, and the community in conversations aimed at encouraging citizens to support the active participation of women, youth and PWDs in the electioneering processes as candidates and voters, defending and increase their voices, mitigate toxic and hate messages levelled against women, youth and PWD candidates, and encourage citizens to elect leaders based on integrity and manifestos as opposed to leaders who use violence to ascend to power.

During these activities, media briefings[2] in which over 10 non-state media actors[3] were engaged provided an important platform for the women, youth, and PWD candidates to sell their campaign agenda to the public. Cumulatively, over 1 million people were reached through the media briefings.

Election Results

Nakuru County has registered a great win for women political leaders. Out of the 55 elected MCAs, 8 are women. The elected women MPs are 4, and the top 3 positions (Governor, Senator and Women Rep) are held by women. This makes a total of 15 elected women in Nakuru County. A number of youths (below 35 years) have also won elective positions as MCAs and as MPs.

This great win can be attributed to:

  1. The progressive change of mindset among the electorate, that given an opportunity, women and youth can take up elective leadership roles;
  2. The demonstrated success and development in areas where women have assumed political leadership; and
  3. The media engagements with women, youth, and PWD candidates during the ECCES activities; influenced the electorate to vote for women and youth candidates over male candidates.

Below is a list showing the elected women and youth leaders in the various Wards and Constituencies in Nakuru County:

[1] The Electoral Conflict Mitigation and Civic Education (ECCES) Programme was implemented in the three (3) Sub-Counties of Nakuru Town West, Njoro and Naivasha.

[2] Print, electronic and web-based media, which include K24 Digital, Nation Newspapers, The Star Newspaper, People Daily, Standard Newspaper, Milele FM, Radio Yetu

Plea on fair polls for women youth

Women in elected positions



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