Reducing Insecurity and Violent Extremism (REINVENT)

This is a security intervention program funded and supported by the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) based in the United Kingdom and implemented by Tetra Tech International Development, Danish Demining Group (DDG) and Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).This is a five-year program

Project Objectives

  1. To enhance the country’s capacity, knowledge and ability to address inter-communal conflict, weak community-police relations, violence against women and girls (VAWG), violent extremism and   election-related violence.
  2. To support continued advancement of police reforms to improve the management, oversight and accountability of the National Police Service.
  3. To improve collaboration between state (police) and non-state actors (community) in a mutual accountable and inclusive manner to respond effectively to the root causes of violence.

MIDRIFT HURINET has been implementing a Peace, Safety and Security program called Reducing Insecurity and Violent Extremism (REINVENT) in Nakuru and Baringo Counties.

Since the inception of the program through induction workshops held on 22nd & 24th September 2020 in Nakuru and Baringo counties respectively, MIDRIFT HURINET has continued to implement interventions touching on the REINVENT workstreams of Policing, Peace Building, Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls (TVAWG), Election related conflicts. In 2020 September to early 2021, MIDRIFT implemented interventions which were aimed at strengthening the relationship between the National police service and members of the public. From June 2021 to early 2022, MIDRIFT implemented community dialogue conversation meant at improving service delivery and enhancing information sharing.

In 2022, MIDRIFT implemented Election related Conflicts and Violence reduction conversation meant to mitigate conflicts related to elections. In 2023-2024, MIDRIFT will be focusing on the implementation of a project titled Business Sector Engagement in Peace and Security with the focus on improving the relationship between inspectorate officers and the traders.

The program targets National Police Service, village elders, nyumba kumi, women, youth, PWDs, traders, Nakuru County City Manager, Department of trade,County Government Officials and the County Inspectorate office.

Expected Outcomes

  •  Strengthened peace, safety and security through promotion of the practice of police accountability to build police effectiveness in addressing community security, violent extremism and election violence.
  •  Improved police-public relationship through reducing of hostilities between police and members of the public.

Impact Stories, Achievements

  • After assessing the availability of the National Police Service Charters in 6 police stations of Naivasha, Kaptembwo, Njoro in Nakuru and Loruk, Nginyang and Kabarnet in Baringo and having found out the the stations had the old Kenya Police charter, MIDRIFT through the REINVENT program printed and produce the big National Police Service charters which were mounted in the 6 police stations. The Baringo charters were received in 2021 by the then County Police Commander Mr. Robinson Dhiwa.
  •  Baringo North reported improved relationship between members of the public and security agencies which led to increased cases of information sharing which aided follow up and recovery of raided cattle in the area.
  •  Fixing of the Drainage System at Soko Mjinga: During a previous meeting conducted by MIDRIFT HURINET with support from REINVENT Program, residents and traders from Soko Mjinga reported the poor drainage system at the market. During this meeting, the participants were capacity-built on the importance of organizing themselves and approaching the relevant offices including inspectorate officers. The Organising Secretary Check Point picked the issue up with Kaptembwo ward MCA Hon. Kajwang who fixed the drainage system. This was a result of the MIDRIFT- REINVENT’s Business Sector Engagement in Peace and Security Project conversations.
  • With the knowledge acquired during the engagements, the enforcement officers East have continued to address issues of confidentiality that were raised in REINVENT’s previous meetings, including in enforcement officers’ parades especially the parade conducted on 11th September 2023 with over 50 officers. Lack of confidentiality hindered market leaders from reporting cases to the officers, the parade on 11th September was also attended by the MIDRIFT Officer who equally emphasized the need for maintaining confidentiality for this was noted will increase information sharing. The enforcement officers have further held two (2) more meetings at Mashambani market and one (1) at Wakulima where the issue of confidentiality was further discussed. Wakulima and Nasha market leaders confirmed a big change in the enforcement officers in terms of confidentiality.
  •  Wakulima Market leadership organized a meeting of over 300 people who carry luggage at the market to address the insecurities posed by these luggage carriers. The meeting resolved that all those who carry luggage from the market must have badges that identify them. They confirmed that 80% of those who carry luggage have gotten their badges.
  • Decongesting the East Mark Road around Wakulima market in Nakuru East: In the previous meeting, it was reported that some traders from Wakulima Market completely occupied the East Mark Road rendering it impassable. During a meeting on 22nd Nov 2023, the City Inspectorate Department reported that they had worked on the road which he noted was 40% accessible, the officers were commended for ensuring that the road was accessible.



MIDRIFT HURINET is non-profit organization that was founded in 2008 whose main mandate is to empower citizens, the state and non-state actors to inculcate a culture of Human Rights, Peace & Security and Good Governance.


Ronald Ngala Road,

Christ The King Training Institute

Building, First Floor.

P.O.Box 16326-20100, NAKURU,




Phone : (+254) 700 423 262



Ralph Bunche Rd, Milimani Ln, Tetu Apartments, 2nd Floor Door 4.

P.O BOX 11128-00100 NAIROBI,




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