Herder-led Initiatives End a 15-Year Conflict in Baringo County

Herder-led Initiatives end a 15-year conflict in Baringo Herders from Tiaty East sub-county attend a peacebuilding forum facilitated by the Tangibolol youth group, and supported by the sub-county ward administrator and the area chief. The meeting is meant to discuss the importance of reconciliation between the Tugen and Pokot communities. The Tugen and Pokot communities […]
Youth for Peace: 10 Tiaty Youths join NPR to Tackle Insecurity in Baringo County

Baringo County continues to grapple with insecurity occasioned by banditry often fueled by diminishing grazing pastures due to climate change, unfair recruitment of National Police Reservists (NPR), retrogressive cultures among others. This has left a trail of deaths, destruction of property, retaliatory attacks and schools closed among others. The Pokot community mostly residing in Tiaty […]
Midrift Hurinet Holds Peace, Security meeting in Nakuru East

Midrift Hurinet, an NGO based in Nakuru town on Wednesday held a one-day workshop in support of community initiatives to manage the outcomes of the elections recently concluded elections. The forum that was held at Seventh Day Adventist Church in Kivumbini was held with a view of de-politicizing the minds of the community members […]