From Needing Help to Helping Others; Derrick’s remarkable Journey with PM+

From Needing Help to Helping Others; Derrick’s remarkable Journey with PM+

Derrick Munialo, a packing agent at a flower farm in Naivasha, seems very confident and cheerful now, but a few months ago, things were different when he was abruptly fired from his previous job.”There was a misunderstanding, and I was asked to leave that very day. I was devastated. As the sole provider for my family, how was I supposed to tell them I lost my job?” he recounts. What followed was an array of misfortunes for Derrick, “I looked for another job but couldn’t find one. My family went hungry for days, and the landlord kept demanding rent, which was piling up every month,” he shares, “It became so tough. My wife refused to help with household needs and started insulting me. I wanted to run away.”

It was at this low point, when Derrick met Sophie, a Community Health Promoter (CHP) in Mirera, who also serves as a Problem Management Plus (PM+) helper to people in

distress. “Before introducing him to PM+, we had a conversation where Derrick told me about his problems. As an old friend of mine, I felt sad for him and wanted to help,” she said. Sophie helped change Derrick’s mindset about running away, explaining that it would not solve any of his problems but would rather make things worse for his family. She then introduced Derrick PM+, where he was taken through 5 sessions over a period of 5 weeks. During the sessions, he learned strategies to manage his problems, thereafter joining a support group with 7 other members, where they shared their personal experiences and solutions to challenges faced.

“Derrick has been very influential. After attending the sessions, he identified and referred other clients in distress,” Sophie shares. “Of the clients he brought, two are currently undergoing PM+ and showing good progress. One is in the hospital receiving treatment, and we are waiting for the others to consent to PM+, as we do not offer these services by force.”

“I was in a very bad state before PM+. I can’t sit and watch others go through what I went through without helping,” Derrick said, explaining how he started referring clients to Sophie. “I identify clients by relating their experiences to mine, then I talk to them, encouraging them before introducing PM+.”

“PM+ has truly helped me. I am who I am because of PM+. I got a job at this flower farm in Kiandege, my children are in school, and life has become better,” he said cheerfully. “I help others so they too can find purpose in life and get back on their feet.”

Watch how PM+ has impacted lives in Nakuru;

By Judy Gathura

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Wheel of Self-care: Part One

Self-care is deliberately nurturing one’s body, mind, and spirit. This personal ritual replenishes inner reserves and enables one to navigate challenges with grace and resilience.